Tuesday, January 29, 2008
no one is freaking reading this blog.

but i'll continue to write in it anways :)

so today was monday. god i cant believe i went all weekend without writing in this. w/e so friday i went to a party...then saturday i just kinda hung around the house. then sunday i went to a gymnastics competition. then yeah...its monday and we had school.

OMG and jake (this guy) likes krista! its so exciting. i havent gotten a chance to talk to her about it...but i think she likes him too :) thats really exciting. 

but on the darker side....samantha and travis definitely have a thing. like they both like eachother and they've told eachother. it sucks so bad. but i cant get mad at samantha cause she doesnt know i like him still. (i havent told anyone yet...still working up the courage to tell krista). i'm just going to have to get over him....theres no other option. he obviously doesnt like me. and we had a shot so...yeah. its going to be hard though. i was up till 12 o clock last night crying over him (granted its that time of the month again but still).

anyways...i'll write more later. i g2g do some hmwk. and laundry. 

sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same


posted by Aly at 12:22 AM |